ETF Series Solutions - Defiance  Logo

ETF Series Solutions - Defiance


ETF Price


0,00 Bil. AUM

0,5% Expense Ratio

25,62 NAV

ETF Series Solutions - Defiance Profile

About ETF Series Solutions - Defiance

CHAI provides access to Israeli government and corporate bonds. The index aims to hold 35 bonds from at least 15 issuers, with no more than 10 from the Israeli government and a maximum of five securities from any single corporate issuer. It selects the 15 largest USD-denominated Israel bonds first. Subsequently, the next four largest government bonds are chosen. This process continues until the portfolio comprises 35 securities, with the fund consistently selecting the next largest bonds. Note that Shekel-denominated bonds are only considered when USD-denominated bonds are unavailable. The index uses a modified market cap weighting system, incorporating caps on individual securities, aggregate weights of government-related securities, and securities from single corporate issuers. The fund may invest in USD-denominated Israel bonds rated below investment grade. The index is reviewed and rebalanced monthly.


ETF Series Solutions - Defiance Sectors

ETF Series Solutions - Defiance Sectors
Industry Percentage
Cash & Others 100,00%