Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F Logo

Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F


ETF Price


0,05 Bil. AUM

0,9% Expense Ratio

15,88 NAV

Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F Profile

About Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F

The fund actively selects dividend-paying securities issued by firms domiciled in or that derive a significant portion of their revenue or earnings from US. The fund specifically invests in companies with attractive valuations which not only have a history but also offer the potential for future dividend and business growth. A proprietary analysis that combines quantitative and qualitative fundamentals is used for constructing the funds concentrated portfolio. In addition, the fund may write cash-covered put or covered call options to enhance the funds total returns and lower the overall portfolio volatility. UDA is Caldwells offer for ETF investors that seek stable monthly distributions, capital appreciation and long-term risk adjusted returns.


Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F Sectors

Caldwell US Dividend Advantage F Sectors
Industry Percentage
Industrials 41,59%
Technology 27,00%
Financial Servic 11,23%
Consumer Cyclica 10,00%
Consumer Defensi 6,84%
Healthcare 3,34%
Real Estate 0,00%
Basic Materials 0,00%
Energy 0,00%
Communication Se 0,00%
Utilities 0,00%