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Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil


ETF Price


0,37 Bil. AUM

0,9% Expense Ratio

72,46 NAV

Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil Profile

About Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil

USOI adds a twist to the crude oil segment by extracting income from oil futures exposure. The ETN provides the return of USCF`s popular front-month oil ETF, USO, coupled with a notional short position in USO calls expiring the next month with strike prices 6% out of the money. The strategy adds yield and lowers volatility compared to owning USO outright, but at the cost of upside participation. Therefore, USOI is likely to perform very differently from crude oil futures. USOI aims to distribute yield monthly, typical of an ETN.


Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil Sectors

Credit Suisse X-Links Crude Oil Sectors
Industry Percentage