Alpha Architect Value Momentum T Logo

Alpha Architect Value Momentum T


ETF Price


0,02 Bil. AUM

1,4% Expense Ratio

24,33 NAV

Alpha Architect Value Momentum T Profile

About Alpha Architect Value Momentum T

The fund is a “fund of funds,” meaning that it primarily invests its assets in the shares of other ETFs, rather than in securities of individual companies. Its portfolio will be composed primarily of the other ETFs advised by the Adviser. Currently, there are four Alpha Architect ETFs, which invest in either domestic or international equity securities, and employ either a “momentum” or a “value” investment strategy.


Alpha Architect Value Momentum T Sectors

Alpha Architect Value Momentum T Sectors
Industry Percentage
Industrials 24,34%
Consumer Cyclica 18,15%
Energy 13,83%
Technology 10,37%
Financial Servic 9,29%
Healthcare 6,43%
Consumer Defensi 4,92%
Communication Se 4,78%
Basic Materials 4,62%
Utilities 2,84%
Real Estate 0,43%