Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Logo

Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend


ETF Price


0,03 Bil. AUM

0,6% Expense Ratio

106,33 NAV

Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Profile

About Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend

The manager intends to replicate the returns of SPY through owning long positions in quarterly S&P 500 Index futures contracts traded on the CME rather than shares of SPY. Additionally, the manager intends to track the performance of the Metaurus Ex-Dividend Index by selling annual S&P 500 Dividend Futures Contracts out to the maturity date of the fund.


Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Sectors

Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Sectors
Industry Percentage
Technology 24,22%
Financial Servic 14,22%
Healthcare 13,09%
Consumer Cyclica 12,00%
Communication Se 11,14%
Industrials 8,86%
Consumer Defensi 6,32%
Energy 2,85%
Real Estate 2,58%
Utilities 2,45%
Basic Materials 2,27%