Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo Logo

Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo


ETF Price


0,17 Bil. AUM

0,6% Expense Ratio

30,44 NAV

Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo Profile

About Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo

The advisor pursues the fund's investment objective by constructing a portfolio of companies that exhibit a track record of moving through recessionary periods with little to minimal impact on aggregate earnings growth relative to the overall equity market. The Advisor selects the fund’s portfolio securities from a universe of the largest 750 equity securities listed in the U.S. equity market, which may be a combination of large, mid, and small capitalization companies.


Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo Sectors

Zacks Earnings Consistent Portfo Sectors
Industry Percentage
Technology 23,01%
Healthcare 20,80%
Financial Servic 17,84%
Industrials 10,03%
Consumer Defensi 9,86%
Communication Se 7,01%
Utilities 5,22%
Consumer Cyclica 4,89%
Real Estate 0,80%
Energy 0,54%
Basic Materials 0,00%