Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Logo

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc.


Stock Price

3,35 USD

-1.46% ROA

-2.14% ROE

-128.34x PER

Market Cap.

47.694.747,00 USD

78.54% DER

0% Yield

-0.92% NPM

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Stock Analysis

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis in stock investing is like studying the foundation of a house before buying it. It involves looking at a company's financial health, like its earnings, assets, and debts, to determine if it's a good investment based on its fundamental strength and potential for growth.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Fundamental Stock Analysis
# Analysis Rating

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Technical Analysis

Technical analysis in stock investing is like reading the patterns on a weather map to predict future weather conditions. It involves studying past stock price movements and trading volumes to make predictions about where a stock's price might go next, without necessarily looking at the company's financial health.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Technical Stock Analysis
# Analysis Recommendation

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Price Chart

Financial Statements

Financial statements are like report cards for companies. They show how much money a company makes (income statement), what it owns and owes (balance sheet), and where it spends its money (cash flow statement), helping stock investors understand if a company is healthy and worth investing in.

Income Statements

An income statement for a company is like a scoreboard for its profits and losses. It shows how much money the company made (revenue) and how much it spent to make that money (expenses), helping stock investors see if a company is making a profit or not.

Revenue in stock investing is the total amount of money a company earns from its sales, and it's a key factor that investors consider to assess a company's financial performance and growth potential.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Revenue
Year Revenue Growth
2021 26.616.326
2022 27.839.312 4.39%
2023 29.441.180 5.44%
2024 28.024.000 -5.06%

Research and Development Expenses are the costs a company incurs to create and improve its products or services, which can be important for investors to evaluate a company's innovation and potential for future growth.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Research and Development Expenses
Year Research and Development Expenses Growth
2021 0
2022 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2024 0 0%

General and Administrative Expenses are the costs a company incurs to run its day-to-day operations, such as office rent, salaries, and utilities, which investors consider to understand a company's overall efficiency and management effectiveness.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. General and Administrative Expenses
Year General and Administrative Expenses Growth
2021 5.163.119
2022 6.654.326 22.41%
2023 6.379.879 -4.3%
2024 8.063.132 20.88%

EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a measure that helps stock investors analyze a company's profitability by looking at its earnings without considering certain expenses. This helps to get a clearer picture of the company's financial performance and its ability to generate cash flow.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. EBITDA
Year EBITDA Growth
2021 4.636.328
2022 2.887.175 -60.58%
2023 4.681.022 38.32%
2024 3.394.960 -37.88%

Gross profit is the money a company makes from selling its products or services after subtracting the cost of producing or providing them, and it is an important measure for investors to understand a company's profitability.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Gross Profit
Year Gross Profit Growth
2021 6.590.719
2022 6.126.092 -7.58%
2023 7.920.991 22.66%
2024 8.697.308 8.93%

Net income in stock investing is like the money a company actually gets to keep as profit after paying all its bills, and it's an important measure to understand how well a company is doing financially.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Net Profit
Year Net Profit Growth
2021 3.252.155
2022 -434.569 848.36%
2023 1.976.433 121.99%
2024 1.127.372 -75.31%

EPS, or earnings per share, is a measure that shows how much profit a company has earned for each outstanding share of its stock, and it is important for stock investors as it helps understand the profitability of a company and compare it with other companies in the market.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Earning per Share (EPS)
Year Earning per Share (EPS) Growth
2021 0
2022 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2024 0 0%

Cashflow Statements

Cashflow statements show the movement of money in and out of a company, helping stock investors understand how much money a company makes and spends. By examining cashflow statements, investors can assess if a company is generating enough cash to pay its bills, invest in growth, and provide returns to stockholders.

Free cash flow is the leftover cash that a company generates after covering its operating expenses and capital expenditures, which is important for stock investors as it shows how much money a company has available to invest in growth, pay dividends, or reduce debt.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Free Cashflow
Year Free Cashflow Growth
2021 85.764
2022 687.078 87.52%
2023 871.040 21.12%
2024 -1.853.591 146.99%

Operating cash flow represents the cash generated or consumed by a company's day-to-day operations, excluding external investing or financing activities, and is crucial for stock investors as it shows how much cash a company is generating from its core business operations.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Operating Cashflow
Year Operating Cashflow Growth
2021 4.104.634
2022 1.928.715 -112.82%
2023 2.792.222 30.93%
2024 -1.694.042 264.83%

Capex, short for capital expenditures, refers to the money a company spends on acquiring or upgrading tangible assets like buildings, equipment, or technology, which is important for stock investors as it indicates how much a company is investing in its infrastructure to support future growth and profitability.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Capital Expenditure
Year Capital Expenditure Growth
2021 4.018.870
2022 1.241.637 -223.68%
2023 1.921.182 35.37%
2024 159.549 -1104.13%

Balance Sheet

Balance sheets provide a snapshot of a company's financial health and its assets (such as cash, inventory, and property) and liabilities (like debts and obligations) at a specific point in time. For stock investors, balance sheets help assess the company's overall worth and evaluate its ability to meet financial obligations and support future growth.

Equity refers to the ownership interest or stake that shareholders have in a company, representing their claim on its assets and earnings after all debts and liabilities are paid.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Equity
Year Equity Growth
2021 10.174.692
2022 9.459.353 -7.56%
2023 13.063.742 27.59%
2024 12.136.442 -7.64%

Assets represent the valuable resources that a company owns, such as cash, inventory, property, and equipment, and understanding a company's assets helps investors assess its value and potential for generating future profits.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Assets
Year Assets Growth
2021 27.311.031
2022 22.455.697 -21.62%
2023 26.547.913 15.41%
2024 25.772.849 -3.01%

Liabilities refer to the financial obligations or debts that a company owes to creditors or external parties, and understanding a company's liabilities is important for investors as it helps assess the company's financial risk and ability to meet its obligations.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Liabilities
Year Liabilities Growth
2021 17.136.339
2022 12.996.344 -31.86%
2023 13.484.171 3.62%
2024 13.636.407 1.12%

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Financial Ratio (TTM)

Valuation Metrics

Revenue per Share
Net Income per Share
Price to Earning Ratio
Price To Sales Ratio
POCF Ratio
PFCF Ratio
Price to Book Ratio
EV to Sales
EV to Operating CashFlow
EV to FreeCashFlow
Earnings Yield
FreeCashFlow Yield
Market Cap
0,05 Bil.
Enterprise Value
0,06 Bil.
Graham Number
Graham NetNet

Income Statement Metrics

Net Income per Share
Income Quality
Return On Assets
Return On Capital Employed
Net Income per EBT
EBT Per Ebit
Ebit per Revenue
Effective Tax Rate


Sales, General, & Administrative to Revenue
Research & Developement to Revenue
Stock Based Compensation to Revenue
Gross Profit Margin
Operating Profit Margin
Pretax Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin


Dividend Yield
Dividend Yield %
Payout Ratio
Dividend Per Share

Operating Metrics

Operating Cashflow per Share
Free CashFlow per Share
Capex to Operating CashFlow
Capex to Revenue
Capex to Depreciation
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Tangible Assets
Days Sales Outstanding
Days Payables Outstanding
Days of Inventory on Hand
Receivables Turnover
Payables Turnover
Inventory Turnover
Capex per Share

Balance Sheet

Cash per Share
Book Value per Share
Tangible Book Value per Share
Shareholders Equity per Share
Interest Debt per Share
Debt to Equity
Debt to Assets
Net Debt to EBITDA
Current Ratio
Tangible Asset Value
0,01 Bil.
Net Current Asset Value
0,00 Bil.
Invested Capital
Working Capital
0,00 Bil.
Intangibles to Total Assets
Average Receivables
0,01 Bil.
Average Payables
0,00 Bil.
Average Inventory
Debt to Market Cap


Dividends in stock investing are like rewards that companies give to their shareholders. They are a portion of the company's profits distributed to investors, typically in the form of cash payments, as a way for them to share in the company's success.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Dividends
Year Dividends Growth

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Profile

About Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc.

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. manufactures and supplies integrated optics for biomedical, defense and military, consumer, and other applications. It offers camera modules; tool design, design for manufacturing, optical and opto-mechanical design, and moldflow analysis; SPDT optics, such as freedom optics, microlens arrays, spheres and aspheres, diffractives, SPDT materials, and optical tooling; replicative molding, that includes polymer and glass molding, and molded production materials; thin film coating and coating curve materials; and precision machining and precision machining materials. The company also provides clean room assembly, such as opto mechanical, opto electronic, and integrated photonics; infrared optics, microlens arrays, software development, and optical metrology, and catalog optics services. In addition, it offers driverless cars, integrated photonics, robotics, sensors, VR and AR, machine vision, facial imagining, heads up display, finger print scanners, and laser scanners technology for consumers; night vision goggles, missile laser guides, biometrics, infrared and thermal imaging, ordnance optics, head mounted displays, 2D and 3D scanners, humvee lighting , laser targeting, protective domes and windows, and lidar technologies for defense and miliary; and medical diagnostic, microfluidics, surgical components and systems, and medical sensing technology for medical sectors. The company was founded in 1981 and is based in Rochester, New York.

Mr. Al Kapoor
515 Lee Road
Rochester, 14606

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Executives & BODs

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Executives & BODs
# Name Age
1 Mr. Al Kapoor
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Syntec Optics Holdings, Inc. Competitors