Xebec Adsorption Inc. Logo

Xebec Adsorption Inc.


Stock Price

0,00 USD

-29.01% ROA

0% ROE

-0x PER

Market Cap.

6.189,00 USD

24.73% DER

0% Yield

0% NPM

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Stock Analysis

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis in stock investing is like studying the foundation of a house before buying it. It involves looking at a company's financial health, like its earnings, assets, and debts, to determine if it's a good investment based on its fundamental strength and potential for growth.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Fundamental Stock Analysis
# Analysis Rating

Unidentified ROE


Unidentified ROA


Unidentified ROA


Unidentified DER

5 Revenue Growth

Regrettably, this company's revenue has shown no signs of growth over the past three years, suggesting limited potential for returns and making it a less appealing choice.

6 Net Profit Growth

Throughout the last five years, this company's net profit has remained unchanged, indicating a lack of growth and making it a less favorable investment option.

7 Assets Growth

Company's revenue has remained stagnant over the past three years, indicating a lack of growth and making it a less favorable option.

8 Graham Number

Unidentified Graham Number

9 Dividend Growth

The company's dividend growth has been flat for the past three years, raising concerns for potential investors seeking reliable returns.

10 Dividend

The company's decision to withhold dividends for three years raises questions about its ability to generate consistent returns.

11 Buffet Intrinsic Value

The company's stock appears overvalued (0) by Warren Buffett's formula, suggesting a less favorable investment opportunity as its market price exceeds its estimated intrinsic value.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Technical Analysis

Technical analysis in stock investing is like reading the patterns on a weather map to predict future weather conditions. It involves studying past stock price movements and trading volumes to make predictions about where a stock's price might go next, without necessarily looking at the company's financial health.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Technical Stock Analysis
# Analysis Recommendation
1 Awesome Oscillator Hold
2 MACD Sell
3 RSI Hold
4 Stoch RSI Buy

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Price Chart

Financial Statements

Financial statements are like report cards for companies. They show how much money a company makes (income statement), what it owns and owes (balance sheet), and where it spends its money (cash flow statement), helping stock investors understand if a company is healthy and worth investing in.

Income Statements

An income statement for a company is like a scoreboard for its profits and losses. It shows how much money the company made (revenue) and how much it spent to make that money (expenses), helping stock investors see if a company is making a profit or not.

Revenue in stock investing is the total amount of money a company earns from its sales, and it's a key factor that investors consider to assess a company's financial performance and growth potential.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Revenue
Year Revenue Growth
2013 10.647.466
2014 12.407.202 14.18%
2015 8.171.208 -51.84%
2016 7.149.159 -14.3%
2017 11.768.970 39.25%
2018 14.796.087 20.46%
2019 38.031.910 61.1%
2020 44.364.207 14.27%
2021 97.175.808 54.35%
2022 136.301.540 28.71%

Research and Development Expenses are the costs a company incurs to create and improve its products or services, which can be important for investors to evaluate a company's innovation and potential for future growth.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Research and Development Expenses
Year Research and Development Expenses Growth
2013 278.660
2014 199.680 -39.55%
2015 366.111 45.46%
2016 114.857 -218.75%
2017 57.695 -99.08%
2018 67.410 14.41%
2019 55.140 -22.25%
2020 305.337 81.94%
2021 1.287.434 76.28%
2022 3.062.396 57.96%

General and Administrative Expenses are the costs a company incurs to run its day-to-day operations, such as office rent, salaries, and utilities, which investors consider to understand a company's overall efficiency and management effectiveness.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. General and Administrative Expenses
Year General and Administrative Expenses Growth
2013 0
2014 0 0%
2015 0 0%
2016 0 0%
2017 0 0%
2018 0 0%
2019 0 0%
2020 0 0%
2021 0 0%
2022 0 0%

EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a measure that helps stock investors analyze a company's profitability by looking at its earnings without considering certain expenses. This helps to get a clearer picture of the company's financial performance and its ability to generate cash flow.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. EBITDA
Year EBITDA Growth
2013 770.793
2014 -394.030 295.62%
2015 -1.919.437 79.47%
2016 -1.617.680 -18.65%
2017 274.073 690.24%
2018 -1.026.109 126.71%
2019 5.217.912 119.67%
2020 -14.709.576 135.47%
2021 -1.496.605 -882.86%
2022 -40.879.592 96.34%

Gross profit is the money a company makes from selling its products or services after subtracting the cost of producing or providing them, and it is an important measure for investors to understand a company's profitability.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Gross Profit
Year Gross Profit Growth
2013 1.529.714
2014 4.212.464 63.69%
2015 1.896.662 -122.1%
2016 1.554.930 -21.98%
2017 4.297.960 63.82%
2018 4.098.949 -4.86%
2019 11.650.090 64.82%
2020 -1.638.147 811.17%
2021 13.150.840 112.46%
2022 3.540.700 -271.42%

Net income in stock investing is like the money a company actually gets to keep as profit after paying all its bills, and it's an important measure to understand how well a company is doing financially.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Net Profit
Year Net Profit Growth
2013 373.594
2014 -675.792 155.28%
2015 -2.293.946 70.54%
2016 -1.992.053 -15.15%
2017 77.219 2679.74%
2018 -2.126.509 103.63%
2019 1.557.789 236.51%
2020 -25.084.772 106.21%
2021 -18.539.570 -35.3%
2022 -72.649.636 74.48%

EPS, or earnings per share, is a measure that shows how much profit a company has earned for each outstanding share of its stock, and it is important for stock investors as it helps understand the profitability of a company and compare it with other companies in the market.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Earning per Share (EPS)
Year Earning per Share (EPS) Growth
2013 0
2014 0 0%
2015 0 0%
2016 0 0%
2017 0 0%
2018 0 0%
2019 0 0%
2020 0 0%
2021 0 0%
2022 0 0%

Cashflow Statements

Cashflow statements show the movement of money in and out of a company, helping stock investors understand how much money a company makes and spends. By examining cashflow statements, investors can assess if a company is generating enough cash to pay its bills, invest in growth, and provide returns to stockholders.

Free cash flow is the leftover cash that a company generates after covering its operating expenses and capital expenditures, which is important for stock investors as it shows how much money a company has available to invest in growth, pay dividends, or reduce debt.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Free Cashflow
Year Free Cashflow Growth
2013 -2.706
2014 -942 -187.57%
2015 -981.776 99.9%
2016 -2.106.075 53.38%
2017 -1.747.721 -20.5%
2018 -2.375.478 26.43%
2019 -6.507.871 63.5%
2020 -22.000.784 70.42%
2021 -53.941.846 59.21%
2022 14.103.801 482.46%

Operating cash flow represents the cash generated or consumed by a company's day-to-day operations, excluding external investing or financing activities, and is crucial for stock investors as it shows how much cash a company is generating from its core business operations.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Operating Cashflow
Year Operating Cashflow Growth
2013 -2.677
2014 -830 -222.8%
2015 -910.633 99.91%
2016 -2.043.066 55.43%
2017 -1.480.503 -38%
2018 -2.165.899 31.64%
2019 -4.209.833 48.55%
2020 -21.006.279 79.96%
2021 -44.827.810 53.14%
2022 14.788.647 403.12%

Capex, short for capital expenditures, refers to the money a company spends on acquiring or upgrading tangible assets like buildings, equipment, or technology, which is important for stock investors as it indicates how much a company is investing in its infrastructure to support future growth and profitability.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Capital Expenditure
Year Capital Expenditure Growth
2013 29
2014 112 73.87%
2015 71.143 99.84%
2016 63.009 -12.91%
2017 267.218 76.42%
2018 209.579 -27.5%
2019 2.298.038 90.88%
2020 994.505 -131.07%
2021 9.114.036 89.09%
2022 684.846 -1230.82%

Balance Sheet

Balance sheets provide a snapshot of a company's financial health and its assets (such as cash, inventory, and property) and liabilities (like debts and obligations) at a specific point in time. For stock investors, balance sheets help assess the company's overall worth and evaluate its ability to meet financial obligations and support future growth.

Equity refers to the ownership interest or stake that shareholders have in a company, representing their claim on its assets and earnings after all debts and liabilities are paid.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Equity
Year Equity Growth
2013 1.843.996
2014 802.447 -129.8%
2015 -2.132.816 137.62%
2016 -4.024.675 47.01%
2017 -3.736.525 -7.71%
2018 -454.220 -722.62%
2019 30.042.310 101.51%
2020 264.747.252 88.65%
2021 248.888.786 -6.37%
2022 202.076.317 -23.17%

Assets represent the valuable resources that a company owns, such as cash, inventory, property, and equipment, and understanding a company's assets helps investors assess its value and potential for generating future profits.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Assets
Year Assets Growth
2013 9.177.112
2014 6.421.901 -42.9%
2015 5.137.624 -25%
2016 4.152.775 -23.72%
2017 6.656.983 37.62%
2018 11.049.201 39.75%
2019 51.156.059 78.4%
2020 355.126.373 85.59%
2021 392.601.682 9.55%
2022 390.858.692 -0.45%

Liabilities refer to the financial obligations or debts that a company owes to creditors or external parties, and understanding a company's liabilities is important for investors as it helps assess the company's financial risk and ability to meet its obligations.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Liabilities
Year Liabilities Growth
2013 7.333.115
2014 5.368.327 -36.6%
2015 7.265.341 26.11%
2016 8.175.897 11.14%
2017 10.393.508 21.34%
2018 11.503.422 9.65%
2019 21.113.748 45.52%
2020 90.522.762 76.68%
2021 143.712.896 37.01%
2022 188.782.374 23.87%


Dividends in stock investing are like rewards that companies give to their shareholders. They are a portion of the company's profits distributed to investors, typically in the form of cash payments, as a way for them to share in the company's success.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Dividends
Year Dividends Growth

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Profile

About Xebec Adsorption Inc.

Xebec Adsorption Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells purification, separation, dehydration, and filtration equipment for gases and compressed air in Canada, the United States, China, Korea, Italy, France, and internationally. It operates through Systems and Support segments. The company offers on-site air dehydration under the ADX Solutions brand; biogas to renewable natural gas systems under the BGX Solutions brand; hydrogen purification systems under the H2X Solutions brand; natural gas dehydration units for refueling stations under the NGX Solutions brand; and products for the filtration and separation of air and gases under FSX Solutions brand. It also provides steam methane reforming products for production of hydrogen from natural gas under the Hy.GEN brand; electrolysis products for production of hydrogen from electricity under the Hy.GEN-e brand; on-site oxygen and nitrogen generators; industrial process chillers; fluid savers and pumping stations; compressed air and gas dryers and filters; and spare parts and replacement filter elements; dew-point probes and calibration services. Xebec Adsorption Inc. was founded in 1967 and is headquartered in Blainville, Canada.

Mr. Dimitrios Vounassis
730 Industriel Boulevard
Blainville, J7C 3V4

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Executives & BODs

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Executives & BODs
# Name Age
1 Mr. Stephane Dephane Archambault C.M.A., CPA
Chief Financial Officer
2 Mr. Antonio Saavedra
Director of Sales & Business Development
3 Mr. Mike Munro
Chief Operating Officer
4 Ms. Vanessa de Bonville
Director of Human Resources & EHS
5 Mr. Claude Pouliot
Corporate Controller
6 Mr. Remy Boulianne
Vice President of Operations
7 Mr. Dimitrios Vounassis
President, Chief Executive Officer & Director
8 Brandon Chow
Director of Investor Relations
9 Ms. Nathalie Theberge L.L.B.
Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary

Xebec Adsorption Inc. Competitors