TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Logo

TherapeuticsMD, Inc.


Stock Price

1,11 USD

-17.09% ROA

-11.77% ROE

-3.07x PER

Market Cap.

18.682.488,00 USD

27.44% DER

0% Yield

-207.77% NPM

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Stock Analysis

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis in stock investing is like studying the foundation of a house before buying it. It involves looking at a company's financial health, like its earnings, assets, and debts, to determine if it's a good investment based on its fundamental strength and potential for growth.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Fundamental Stock Analysis
# Analysis Rating

With a remarkably low PBV ratio (0.74x), the stock offers substantial upside potential at a bargain price.


The stock has a low debt to equity ratio (27%), which means it has a small amount of debt compared to the ownership it holds

3 Graham Number

The company's Graham number suggests that its stock price is underestimated, implying that it may present a compelling investment opportunity.


Negative ROE (-544.61%) indicates poor financial performance, raising concerns about profitability and efficiency in utilizing shareholders' equity.


The stock's ROA (-145.35%) indicates that it's not effectively utilizing its assets to generate profits, making it a less favorable option to invest and earn consistent returns.

6 Revenue Growth

Regrettably, this company's revenue has shown no signs of growth over the past three years, suggesting limited potential for returns and making it a less appealing choice.

7 Net Profit Growth

This company's net profit has remained flat over the past five years, suggesting a lack of growth and making it a less attractive investment opportunity.

8 Assets Growth

Company's revenue has remained stagnant over the past three years, indicating a lack of growth and making it a less favorable option.

9 Dividend Growth

Investors should note the company's stagnant dividend growth over the past three years, indicating limited profitability and potentially diminishing returns.

10 Dividend

Investors should be cautious as the company hasn't distributed dividends in the last three years, possibly indicating financial challenges.

11 Buffet Intrinsic Value

The company's stock presents a potential concern as it appears overvalued (0) by Warren Buffett's formula, indicating that its market price exceeds its estimated intrinsic value.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Technical Analysis

Technical analysis in stock investing is like reading the patterns on a weather map to predict future weather conditions. It involves studying past stock price movements and trading volumes to make predictions about where a stock's price might go next, without necessarily looking at the company's financial health.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Technical Stock Analysis
# Analysis Recommendation
1 Awesome Oscillator Buy
2 MACD Buy
3 RSI Hold
4 Stoch RSI Sell

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Price Chart

Financial Statements

Financial statements are like report cards for companies. They show how much money a company makes (income statement), what it owns and owes (balance sheet), and where it spends its money (cash flow statement), helping stock investors understand if a company is healthy and worth investing in.

Income Statements

An income statement for a company is like a scoreboard for its profits and losses. It shows how much money the company made (revenue) and how much it spent to make that money (expenses), helping stock investors see if a company is making a profit or not.

Revenue in stock investing is the total amount of money a company earns from its sales, and it's a key factor that investors consider to assess a company's financial performance and growth potential.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Revenue
Year Revenue Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 201.182 100%
1994 196.780 -2.24%
1995 195.834 -0.48%
1996 244.051 19.76%
1997 193.099 -26.39%
1998 193.971 0.45%
1999 214.190 9.44%
2000 368.022 41.8%
2001 332.573 -10.66%
2002 286.602 -16.04%
2003 437.586 34.5%
2004 621.927 29.64%
2005 934.525 33.45%
2006 1.005.274 7.04%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 10.569 100%
2010 48.217 78.08%
2011 2.088.177 97.69%
2012 3.818.013 45.31%
2013 8.775.598 56.49%
2014 15.026.219 41.6%
2015 20.142.898 25.4%
2016 19.356.450 -4.06%
2017 16.777.713 -15.37%
2018 16.099.460 -4.21%
2019 49.646.937 67.57%
2020 64.872.280 23.47%
2021 86.951.000 25.39%
2022 69.963.000 -24.28%
2023 -212.000 33101.42%
2023 1.302.000 116.28%
2024 936.000 -39.1%

Research and Development Expenses are the costs a company incurs to create and improve its products or services, which can be important for investors to evaluate a company's innovation and potential for future growth.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Research and Development Expenses
Year Research and Development Expenses Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 0 0%
1994 0 0%
1995 0 0%
1996 0 0%
1997 0 0%
1998 0 0%
1999 0 0%
2000 0 0%
2001 0 0%
2002 0 0%
2003 0 0%
2004 0 0%
2005 0 0%
2006 0 0%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 0 0%
2010 0 0%
2011 107.241 100%
2012 4.492.362 97.61%
2013 13.551.263 66.85%
2014 43.218.938 68.65%
2015 72.042.774 40.01%
2016 53.943.477 -33.55%
2017 33.852.993 -59.35%
2018 27.299.138 -24.01%
2019 19.792.212 -37.93%
2020 10.431.907 -89.73%
2021 7.086.000 -47.22%
2022 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2024 0 0%

General and Administrative Expenses are the costs a company incurs to run its day-to-day operations, such as office rent, salaries, and utilities, which investors consider to understand a company's overall efficiency and management effectiveness.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. General and Administrative Expenses
Year General and Administrative Expenses Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 86.433 100%
1994 82.615 -4.62%
1995 83.498 1.06%
1996 0 0%
1997 96.695 100%
1998 94.667 -2.14%
1999 87.464 -8.24%
2000 105.945 17.44%
2001 0 0%
2002 0 0%
2003 0 0%
2004 0 0%
2005 0 0%
2006 0 0%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 1.318.478 100%
2010 376.873 -249.85%
2011 0 0%
2012 14.003.757 100%
2013 19.003.098 26.31%
2014 0 0%
2015 0 0%
2016 0 0%
2017 0 0%
2018 0 0%
2019 58.815.000 100%
2020 76.954.000 23.57%
2021 92.602.000 16.9%
2022 57.903.000 -59.93%
2023 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2024 0 0%

EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a measure that helps stock investors analyze a company's profitability by looking at its earnings without considering certain expenses. This helps to get a clearer picture of the company's financial performance and its ability to generate cash flow.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. EBITDA
Year EBITDA Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 63.009 100%
1994 68.321 7.78%
1995 61.059 -11.89%
1996 95.222 35.88%
1997 70.370 -35.32%
1998 37.828 -86.03%
1999 61.746 38.74%
2000 181.126 65.91%
2001 137.449 -31.78%
2002 132.860 -3.45%
2003 277.813 52.18%
2004 246.357 -12.77%
2005 392.863 37.29%
2006 435.916 9.88%
2007 -93.743 565.01%
2008 -395.553 76.3%
2009 -1.569.482 74.8%
2010 -406.576 -286.02%
2011 -5.410.532 92.49%
2012 -16.134.198 66.47%
2013 -25.691.265 37.2%
2014 -53.904.716 52.34%
2015 -85.127.785 36.68%
2016 -89.743.008 5.14%
2017 -77.415.593 -15.92%
2018 -127.645.440 39.35%
2019 -147.313.674 13.35%
2020 -150.876.533 2.36%
2021 -135.405.000 -11.43%
2022 21.328.000 734.87%
2023 -5.136.000 515.26%
2023 -8.401.000 38.86%
2024 -3.996.000 -110.24%

Gross profit is the money a company makes from selling its products or services after subtracting the cost of producing or providing them, and it is an important measure for investors to understand a company's profitability.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Gross Profit
Year Gross Profit Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 141.836 100%
1994 144.797 2.04%
1995 140.250 -3.24%
1996 244.051 42.53%
1997 152.275 -60.27%
1998 124.990 -21.83%
1999 147.658 15.35%
2000 280.101 47.28%
2001 216.383 -29.45%
2002 209.537 -3.27%
2003 306.793 31.7%
2004 429.740 28.61%
2005 662.396 35.12%
2006 799.903 17.19%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 -32.583 100%
2010 -23.715 -37.39%
2011 1.141.065 102.08%
2012 2.469.900 53.8%
2013 6.816.001 63.76%
2014 11.354.416 39.97%
2015 15.636.225 27.38%
2016 15.170.742 -3.07%
2017 14.140.770 -7.28%
2018 13.361.808 -5.83%
2019 43.312.352 69.15%
2020 48.897.303 11.42%
2021 68.113.000 28.21%
2022 68.566.000 0.66%
2023 -212.000 32442.45%
2023 380.000 155.79%
2024 216.000 -75.93%

Net income in stock investing is like the money a company actually gets to keep as profit after paying all its bills, and it's an important measure to understand how well a company is doing financially.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Net Profit
Year Net Profit Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 42.579 100%
1994 34.183 -24.56%
1995 31.511 -8.48%
1996 73.793 57.3%
1997 -12.738 679.31%
1998 -15.582 18.25%
1999 12.430 225.36%
2000 131.668 90.56%
2001 61.535 -113.97%
2002 98.912 37.79%
2003 94.109 -5.1%
2004 142.116 33.78%
2005 289.887 50.98%
2006 373.015 22.29%
2007 170.542 -118.72%
2008 -395.553 143.11%
2009 -1.654.541 76.09%
2010 -695.375 -137.94%
2011 -12.913.365 94.62%
2012 -35.120.235 63.23%
2013 -28.419.313 -23.58%
2014 -54.217.210 47.58%
2015 -85.077.024 36.27%
2016 -89.875.459 5.34%
2017 -76.925.380 -16.83%
2018 -132.617.160 41.99%
2019 -196.027.320 32.35%
2020 -212.702.827 7.84%
2021 -205.604.000 -3.45%
2022 111.997.000 283.58%
2023 -13.512.000 928.87%
2023 -7.699.000 -75.5%
2024 -4.360.000 -76.58%

EPS, or earnings per share, is a measure that shows how much profit a company has earned for each outstanding share of its stock, and it is important for stock investors as it helps understand the profitability of a company and compare it with other companies in the market.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Earning per Share (EPS)
Year Earning per Share (EPS) Growth
1991 0
1992 0 0%
1993 138 100%
1994 111 -24.55%
1995 102 -8.91%
1996 239 57.56%
1997 -41 680.49%
1998 -50 18%
1999 -5 -1150%
2000 21 119.05%
2001 100 79%
2002 74 -35.14%
2003 17 -362.5%
2004 -217 107.41%
2005 -83 -160.24%
2006 -470 82.34%
2007 550 185.45%
2008 -648 184.88%
2009 -1.139 43.11%
2010 -91 -1165.56%
2011 -10 -800%
2012 -19 47.37%
2013 -11 -72.73%
2014 -18 38.89%
2015 -25 25%
2016 -23 -9.09%
2017 -19 -22.22%
2018 -29 37.93%
2019 -40 25.64%
2020 -39 -2.63%
2021 -26 -52%
2022 -10 -150%
2023 -1 -900%
2023 -1 0%
2024 0 0%

Cashflow Statements

Cashflow statements show the movement of money in and out of a company, helping stock investors understand how much money a company makes and spends. By examining cashflow statements, investors can assess if a company is generating enough cash to pay its bills, invest in growth, and provide returns to stockholders.

Free cash flow is the leftover cash that a company generates after covering its operating expenses and capital expenditures, which is important for stock investors as it shows how much money a company has available to invest in growth, pay dividends, or reduce debt.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Free Cashflow
Year Free Cashflow Growth
1993 -30.236
1994 2.505 1307.03%
1995 52.892 95.26%
1996 58.784 10.02%
1997 -17.878 428.81%
1998 -166.771 89.28%
1999 48.533 443.62%
2000 133.973 63.77%
2001 140.243 4.47%
2002 37.413 -274.85%
2003 -107.705 134.74%
2004 -103.327 -4.24%
2005 320.111 132.28%
2006 272.094 -17.65%
2007 344.098 20.93%
2008 -133.003 358.71%
2009 -1.258.634 89.43%
2010 836.832 250.4%
2011 -5.004.232 116.72%
2012 -13.009.832 61.53%
2013 -21.247.893 38.77%
2014 -46.138.438 53.95%
2015 -79.628.480 42.06%
2016 -70.383.753 -13.13%
2017 -76.982.722 8.57%
2018 -128.134.228 39.92%
2019 -189.589.869 32.42%
2020 -161.068.242 -17.71%
2021 -144.916.000 -11.15%
2022 -4.433.000 -3169.03%
2023 -6.028.000 26.46%
2023 -48.141.000 87.48%
2024 894.000 5484.9%

Operating cash flow represents the cash generated or consumed by a company's day-to-day operations, excluding external investing or financing activities, and is crucial for stock investors as it shows how much cash a company is generating from its core business operations.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Operating Cashflow
Year Operating Cashflow Growth
1993 59.764
1994 72.859 17.97%
1995 63.449 -14.83%
1996 58.784 -7.94%
1997 77.526 24.18%
1998 44.598 -73.83%
1999 48.533 8.11%
2000 133.973 63.77%
2001 161.948 17.27%
2002 100.077 -61.82%
2003 140.003 28.52%
2004 207.727 32.6%
2005 412.339 49.62%
2006 329.840 -25.01%
2007 344.098 4.14%
2008 -133.003 358.71%
2009 -417.338 68.13%
2010 836.832 149.87%
2011 -4.966.596 116.85%
2012 -12.737.326 61.01%
2013 -20.768.069 38.67%
2014 -45.520.996 54.38%
2015 -79.044.119 42.41%
2016 -69.142.333 -14.32%
2017 -76.155.614 9.21%
2018 -106.811.781 28.7%
2019 -165.697.595 35.54%
2020 -159.470.335 -3.9%
2021 -142.693.000 -11.76%
2022 -4.078.000 -3399.09%
2023 -6.028.000 32.35%
2023 -48.141.000 87.48%
2024 894.000 5484.9%

Capex, short for capital expenditures, refers to the money a company spends on acquiring or upgrading tangible assets like buildings, equipment, or technology, which is important for stock investors as it indicates how much a company is investing in its infrastructure to support future growth and profitability.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Capital Expenditure
Year Capital Expenditure Growth
1993 90.000
1994 70.354 -27.92%
1995 10.557 -566.42%
1996 0 0%
1997 95.404 100%
1998 211.369 54.86%
1999 0 0%
2000 0 0%
2001 21.705 100%
2002 62.664 65.36%
2003 247.708 74.7%
2004 311.054 20.36%
2005 92.228 -237.27%
2006 57.746 -59.71%
2007 0 0%
2008 0 0%
2009 841.296 100%
2010 0 0%
2011 37.636 100%
2012 272.506 86.19%
2013 479.824 43.21%
2014 617.442 22.29%
2015 584.361 -5.66%
2016 1.241.420 52.93%
2017 827.108 -50.09%
2018 21.322.447 96.12%
2019 23.892.274 10.76%
2020 1.597.907 -1395.22%
2021 2.223.000 28.12%
2022 355.000 -526.2%
2023 0 0%
2023 0 0%
2024 0 0%

Balance Sheet

Balance sheets provide a snapshot of a company's financial health and its assets (such as cash, inventory, and property) and liabilities (like debts and obligations) at a specific point in time. For stock investors, balance sheets help assess the company's overall worth and evaluate its ability to meet financial obligations and support future growth.

Equity refers to the ownership interest or stake that shareholders have in a company, representing their claim on its assets and earnings after all debts and liabilities are paid.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Equity
Year Equity Growth
1994 418.856
1995 440.527 4.92%
1996 510.880 13.77%
1997 497.892 -2.61%
1998 458.123 -8.68%
1999 480.353 4.63%
2000 611.966 21.51%
2001 672.085 8.95%
2002 736.408 8.73%
2003 866.112 14.98%
2004 1.051.438 17.63%
2005 1.314.320 20%
2006 1.687.335 22.11%
2007 417.538 -304.12%
2008 18.697 -2133.18%
2009 -311.052 106.01%
2010 -907.552 65.73%
2011 -1.711.858 46.98%
2012 -1.433.128 -19.45%
2013 54.698.407 102.62%
2014 48.389.107 -13.04%
2015 63.063.146 23.27%
2016 127.489.421 50.53%
2017 129.908.715 1.86%
2018 97.524.121 -33.21%
2019 9.201.120 -959.92%
2020 -124.001.551 107.42%
2021 -93.621.000 -32.45%
2022 35.143.000 366.4%
2023 28.052.000 -25.28%
2023 29.287.000 4.22%
2024 27.670.000 -5.84%

Assets represent the valuable resources that a company owns, such as cash, inventory, property, and equipment, and understanding a company's assets helps investors assess its value and potential for generating future profits.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Assets
Year Assets Growth
1994 430.327
1995 505.018 14.79%
1996 515.704 2.07%
1997 504.875 -2.14%
1998 508.847 0.78%
1999 498.162 -2.14%
2000 628.172 20.7%
2001 695.124 9.63%
2002 753.212 7.71%
2003 898.221 16.14%
2004 1.088.553 17.48%
2005 1.807.502 39.78%
2006 1.867.161 3.2%
2007 495.364 -276.93%
2008 54.419 -810.28%
2009 849.765 93.6%
2010 467.417 -81.8%
2011 1.438.721 67.51%
2012 5.818.095 75.27%
2013 62.016.393 90.62%
2014 59.079.488 -4.97%
2015 73.728.846 19.87%
2016 142.472.020 48.25%
2017 143.229.910 0.53%
2018 211.983.924 32.43%
2019 265.985.637 20.3%
2020 181.609.653 -46.46%
2021 169.472.000 -7.16%
2022 90.458.000 -87.35%
2023 50.493.000 -79.15%
2023 43.309.000 -16.59%
2024 40.126.000 -7.93%

Liabilities refer to the financial obligations or debts that a company owes to creditors or external parties, and understanding a company's liabilities is important for investors as it helps assess the company's financial risk and ability to meet its obligations.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Liabilities
Year Liabilities Growth
1994 11.471
1995 64.491 82.21%
1996 4.824 -1236.88%
1997 6.983 30.92%
1998 50.724 86.23%
1999 17.809 -184.82%
2000 16.206 -9.89%
2001 23.039 29.66%
2002 16.804 -37.1%
2003 32.109 47.67%
2004 37.115 13.49%
2005 493.182 92.47%
2006 179.826 -174.26%
2007 77.826 -131.06%
2008 35.722 -117.87%
2009 1.160.817 96.92%
2010 1.374.969 15.58%
2011 3.150.579 56.36%
2012 7.251.223 56.55%
2013 7.317.986 0.91%
2014 10.690.381 31.55%
2015 10.665.700 -0.23%
2016 14.982.599 28.81%
2017 13.321.195 -12.47%
2018 114.459.803 88.36%
2019 256.784.517 55.43%
2020 305.611.204 15.98%
2021 263.093.000 -16.16%
2022 55.315.000 -375.63%
2023 22.441.000 -146.49%
2023 14.022.000 -60.04%
2024 12.456.000 -12.57%

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Financial Ratio (TTM)

Valuation Metrics

Revenue per Share
Net Income per Share
Price to Earning Ratio
Price To Sales Ratio
POCF Ratio
PFCF Ratio
Price to Book Ratio
EV to Sales
EV to Operating CashFlow
EV to FreeCashFlow
Earnings Yield
FreeCashFlow Yield
Market Cap
0,02 Bil.
Enterprise Value
0,02 Bil.
Graham Number
Graham NetNet

Income Statement Metrics

Net Income per Share
Income Quality
Return On Assets
Return On Capital Employed
Net Income per EBT
EBT Per Ebit
Ebit per Revenue
Effective Tax Rate


Sales, General, & Administrative to Revenue
Research & Developement to Revenue
Stock Based Compensation to Revenue
Gross Profit Margin
Operating Profit Margin
Pretax Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin


Dividend Yield
Dividend Yield %
Payout Ratio
Dividend Per Share

Operating Metrics

Operating Cashflow per Share
Free CashFlow per Share
Capex to Operating CashFlow
Capex to Revenue
Capex to Depreciation
Return on Invested Capital
Return on Tangible Assets
Days Sales Outstanding
Days Payables Outstanding
Days of Inventory on Hand
Receivables Turnover
Payables Turnover
Inventory Turnover
Capex per Share

Balance Sheet

Cash per Share
Book Value per Share
Tangible Book Value per Share
Shareholders Equity per Share
Interest Debt per Share
Debt to Equity
Debt to Assets
Net Debt to EBITDA
Current Ratio
Tangible Asset Value
0,02 Bil.
Net Current Asset Value
0,00 Bil.
Invested Capital
Working Capital
0,00 Bil.
Intangibles to Total Assets
Average Receivables
0,00 Bil.
Average Payables
0,00 Bil.
Average Inventory
Debt to Market Cap


Dividends in stock investing are like rewards that companies give to their shareholders. They are a portion of the company's profits distributed to investors, typically in the form of cash payments, as a way for them to share in the company's success.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Dividends
Year Dividends Growth

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Profile

About TherapeuticsMD, Inc.

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. operates as a women's healthcare company in the United States. The company offers IMVEXXY for the treatment of moderate-to-severe dyspareunia; BIJUVA, a bio-identical hormone therapy combination of 17ß-estradiol and progesterone for the treatment of moderate-to-severe vasomotor symptoms; and ANNOVERA, a ring-shaped contraceptive vaginal system. Its preclinical projects include the development of TX-005HR, a progesterone-alone transdermal cream; TX-006HR, an estradiol and progesterone transdermal cream; TX-007HR and TX-008HR, which are transdermal patch product candidates; and TX-009HR, an oral progesterone and estradiol formulation. It also manufactures and distributes branded and generic prescription prenatal vitamins under the vitaTrue, vitaPearl, vitaMedMD, and BocaGreenMD Prena1 brands. The company sells its prescription pharmaceutical products and prenatal vitamin products to wholesale distributors and retail pharmacy distributors. TherapeuticsMD, Inc. was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.

Mr. Marlan D. Walker J.D.
951 Yamato Road
Boca Raton, 33431

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Executives & BODs

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Executives & BODs
# Name Age
1 Mr. Marlan D. Walker J.D.
Chief Executive Officer
2 Mr. Douglas Steelman
Vice President of Market Access
3 Mr. Joseph A. Ziegler
Principal Financial & Accounting Officer
4 Governor Thomas G. Thompson
Executive Chairman

TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Competitors